Social Welfare was created as a small wing under Education Department during 1973 – 74 with one State Social Welfare Officer, one District Social Welfare Officer and a skeleton supporting staff. During 1974-75, the Social Welfare Wing was strengthened by posting one Programe Officer. This was further strengthened by creating two more posts of District Social Welfare Officers with minimum supporting staff for Lunglei and Chhimtuipui Districts during 1979 – 80. The Department started to function as a separate Department from 1980-1981.The Department of Social Welfare was bifurcated into two directorates namely:- Directorate of Women & Child Development and Directorate of Social Welfare and Tribal Affairs on 13th Aug 2018.

            The Department of Social Welfare, Tribal Affairs, Women & Child Development is mandated to look after the weaker section of the population from children to senior citizens, women in distress, the handicapped and persons with substance abuse problems. With the objective to make the State a welfare State for these factions of the population the Department has implemented several Schemes and Programs which has benefited the State immeasurably. With the Hon’ble Minister Pi Lalrinpuii at the helm, the Department functions with the Secretariat being headed by Pi Lalzarmawii, IAS and the two Directorates and District Offices.


The Department looks after Schemes such as Article 275(1), Support to Tribal Research Institute (TRI), Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojna (PMAAGY), National Social Assistance Program, Saksham Anganwadi [the Erstwhile Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)], Poshan Abhiyaan, the erstwhile National Nutrition Mission, Mission Shakti - ‘Sambal’ which caters to the safety and security of women with components of One Stop Centre (OSC), WCD Control Room linked to Women Helpline (WHL)- & Child Helpline (CHL) in all the Districts, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) & ‘Samarthya’ -Shakti Sadan, Sakhi Niwas (Working Women Hostel), Palna(Creche), Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) & MISSION VATSALAYA, a scheme for the care and protection of Children.


The Department also implements schemes and programs such as Rehabilitation Home for Persons Cured of Mental Illness, Scheme for Implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (SIPDA), Braille Press Scheme for the Blind, Accessible India Campaign, Unique Disability ID (UDID), State Social Welfare & Rehabilitation Centre (SSW&RC), Residential Institute & Training Center for Women, Training Centers for Specially Abled Persons, Vocational Training Centers


Social Welfare & Tribal Affairs, the nodal Department on Drug Demand Reduction Program in Mizoram is coordinating and implementing the activities of the Drug Prevention and Treatment & Care of drug abuse in Mizoram through Mizoram Social Defense& Rehabilitation Board (MSD&RB).